Sunday 27 December 2015

Badam milk

Hello my readers,
  Whether it is hot or cold, Badam milk can leave you rejuvenated in any season.Badam milk is one of the nutritious drink for all age groups.The healthiest way of making almond milk for babies and kids (infact for all of us) is to soak them for 6 to 8 hours and then prepare it and it has numerous health benefits.

100 grams of almond
1 litre milk
Sugar (as per taste)
Powdered cardamom
Pinch of saffron (kesar)
1 table spoon of cream


  1. Soak the almonds for 6 hours or you can also soak them in hot water for 10 minutes(if your in a hurry).This will remove its peel as it is important that they get soft.
  2. Grind the almonds.When it is powdered, add cream to it and prepare a paste.
  3. Boil the  milk in a heavy bottom pan over medium high heat, stirring occasionally to prevent burning.
  4. Add the almond paste, sugar, cardamom and saffron strands to the boiling milk. Lower the heat to low and let it simmer four to five minutes, stirring often. Turn off the heat.
  5. Serve warm or chilled.

Friday 27 November 2015

Hyderabadi chicken 65

hello my readers,
 Chicken 65 is a popular appetizer chicken recipe,which is prepared using boneless chicken.These boneless chicken are  marinated and then deep fried.

1 kg Boneless chicken cut into bite size cubes(not too small)
1 tbsp all purpose flour
1 tbsp garam masala powder
2 egg
1/2 tbsp red chilli powder
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1 1/2 tbsp ginger garlic paste
4-5 small green chillies
few curry leaves
1/2 cup Yogurt
4 tbsp Lemon juice
Salt to taste
4 tbsp oil
Pinch of red food color (optional)

  1. Wash the chicken pieces and drain them thoroughly.
  2. In a bowl, add the chicken pieces,ginger and garlic paste,salt,red chilli powder,garam masala powder,turmeric powder,lemon juice,eggs,all purpose flour.Mix them well coated and let the chicken marinate for about 4-5 hours in a refrigerator.
  3. In a large nonstick kadhai heat the oil at medium flame and then fry the chicken pieces for 10-15 minutes until they turn golden brown in color and drain on a paper towel and keep aside.
  4. Next, heat the oil in a non stick kadhai at medium flame and add ginger and garlic paste,fry for 1 minute then add 4-5 small green chillies and few curry leaves, and let it splutter  then add yoghurt paste,salt,red color stir them well and cook for about 5 minutes then add the chicken pieces and coat the chicken pieces well in the yoghurt paste and cook them till the chicken pieces become dry.
  5. Remove from heat.
  6. Garnish it with corainder leaves and lemon.

Your chicken 65 is ready   

Monday 23 November 2015

Hyderabadi bagare baingan

Hello my readers,
   Bagare Baingan is a very famous hyderabadi side dish.Almost every hyderabadi mother knows it how to cook the dish.It is usually served with biryani.However it also tastes best with just roti.The gravy is made from onions, peanuts, dessicated coconut, sesame,cumin seeds and corainder seeds.The recipe is simple and delicious.
6 purple baby brinjals
1 tbsp oil
2 tbsp garlic ginger paste
5 green chillies
bunch of coarinder leaves
few curry leaves
2 tbsp grated coconut
2 tbsp white sesame seeds
2 tbsp peanuts
1 onion, finely chopped
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp jeera/cumin seeds
1 tbsp coriander seeds
1 tsp red chilli powder
1 tbsp tamarind paste


  1. Wash the bringals and cut them in criss cross manner from bottom.
  2. Fry the baby bringals in a pan until they become soft. Drain and set aside. In the same oil, fry the onions.
  3. Next roast the spices(sesame seeds,peanuts,cumin seeds,corainder seeds,grated coconut) until they all become light brown in color.
  4. Next grind all the spices together with the fried onions, 2 tomatos, bunch of corainder leaves,2-3 green chillies and few curry leaves.
  5. Extract the tamarind paste in 1 cup warm water.
  6. Next heat the oil in a pan then add the cumin seeds,ginger and garlic paste, corainder leaves,2 green chillies,ground paste,salt,turmric powder,red chilli powder and mix it very well.
  7. Add some water to make it a gravy consistency and bring it to boil.
  8. Then add the fried baby bringals and cook them.Check whether they are cooked or not by inserting a knife in the eggplant, if it cuts easily without any effort then it is cooked.
  9. Now add the tamarind water and cook for about next 5-10 minutes.Garnish with fresh coriander leaves before serving.

Sunday 22 November 2015

Hyderabadi khobani ka meetha

hello my readers,
 "khobani" mmmm is one of my favourite hyderabadi desserts.Khubani or Khobani is a Urdu word for apricot .khobani is a famous hyderabadi dessert typically served at weddings and parties.Preparation of this dish, basically involves boiling apricots with syrup until they assume the consistency of a thick soup or compote. The dessert is topped with blanched almonds or apricot kernels, and is traditionally garnished with malai (extra thick cream, ideally from buffalo milk), but also with custard or ice cream.

Lets start with the ingredients

Dried Apricots : 30 (pitted)
Sugar : as per requirement
Sliced almonds : a handful
Heavy Cream : ½ cup
Few drops of lemon juice or orange juice(optical)


  1. Soak the apricots overnight in water. 
  2. Next morning remove the apricots from the water and put that beautifully looking golden water aside we will be using that water later.
  3. Now deseed the apricots.
  4. Break the outer shells of the seed and throw away the hard covering and keep the almond like nuts aside.The nuts can be used for garnishing.
  5. Next,heat the apricots with the water in which they were soaked in a saucepan.
  6. Add few drops of lemon or orange extract, if you have.
  7. Now add the sugar and cook on low heat and keep stirring ocassionally till it had reached a mushy consistency.
  8. Remove from the heat and allow it to cool.
  9. Garnish it with the nuts,whipped cream or even ice cream.

Hyderabadi lip snacking talava ghost

hello my readers,
 Talava ghost is one of the favourite side dishes of hyderabadis.It is usually served with khatti dal in my home.However talava ghost tastes best with any of the curries.

Mutton 1/2 kilo
Red Mirch Powder 1/2 Tspn
Turmeric Powder 1/4th Tspn
Ginger-Garlic Paste 2Tspn
Black Pepper Powder 1Tspn
Grinded HaraMasala(5 Greenmirch,1 Coriander,1/2 Pudina)
Oil for frying
1 teaspoon Lemon juice (optional)
Salt to Taste

  1. After washing the meat add ginger and garlic paste and mix it well with your hands then add salt,turmeric powder  and again mix it well with hands or spoon then add corainder leaves,green chilles pressure cook it with  1 and 1/2 cups of water for 10mins(preferably 3 whistles).
  2. Take a pan and heat 5-6 Tbspns of oil then add the condensed mutton to the pan and fry for about 2mins, later add Redmirch Powder,Kalimirch Powder,Haramasala paste and fry mutton to golden brown colour.
  3. Lastly add Nimbu ka juice add keep frying till done.Garnish it with freshly cut Coriander.

Saturday 21 November 2015

Hyderabadi famous paya nihari

hello my readers,
 Yeah! the winters are started here and so its time for the nihari.Though nihari is popular in hyderabad among all of its seasons but we mostly prefer to have it during winters.Nihari is also served at weddings in hyderabad.
 Now lets talk about its history- the word nihari is originated from the word nahar(An Arabic word) which means "day" as it was typically served after sunrise Fajr prayers.The Nawabs used to eat Nihari early in the morning after Fajr prayers and then took a long nap before going to Zhuhr (afternoon Muslim prayers). The dish was eaten in  early hours of the morning because the stew is so rich, one is supposed to have an extended nap until the afternoon Muslim Zhuhr prayers, which occur after midday.
Later, it became popular among the labor class as a regular breakfast item.Nihari is cooked overnight in various vessels, sometimes even buried underground while it cooks overnight, which results in extremely tender morsels of meat, including the flavourful bone marrow.This is much less common today with the use of tenderer cuts of meat . It is served with a number of side dishes.Traditional nihari recipes call for 6–8 hours of cooking time, in addition to the preparation of the ingredients.

Nihari is now cooked by pressure cooking in order to save time. The nihari ingredients are now also available ready-mixed and packaged.

8-10 paya
Finely sliced onion- 1
1.5 tbsp ginger garlic paste
6 fresh garlic clove
1 bay leaf
1 (ready made) Potli Ka Masala or (home made) Nihari Masala powder 6tbsp
1/2 tsp turmeric
Fresh coriander leaves 1 bunch
Fresh mint leaves 1 bunch
Salt to taste
chilli powder
1 tbsp ghee
1 cup oil
water as required


  1. Wash the payas properly with cold water and make sure that there are no hairs on its foot and hoof and if you find any hairs then remove them with a knife.
  2. Add chopped onions, ginger garlic paste in ghee,  1 bay leave, fresh garlic clove,nihari powder, chilli powder, turmeric, salt, paya and 3 cup water and Pressure cook on high flame till 4 whistles, then cook on low flame for about 30 mins if your using meat and 1 hour if your using beef
  3. Now add coriander/ mint leaves, and 5 cups of water and bring to boil. 
  4. Next heat oil in a kadhai and deep fry the onions till it become brown in colour
  5. Pour the oil in gravy, garnish with crispy onions & coriander leaves
  6.  Your Hyderabadi Paya Nihari is ready. Serve it hot with Naan or paratha.

Friday 20 November 2015

Hyderabadi khatti dal

Hello my readers,
  "Khatti dal" as the word literally means sour in urdu.It refers to the tangy taste which is essential to the dish brought about by adding tamarind.However if you dont have the tamarind you can also go with lime juice/lemon.
Khatti dal is a kind of lentil soup with a tangy flavour brought by the tamarind.

For the Dal:
Tuvar dal/Yellow lentils – 1 cup
Salt – to taste
Red chilli powder – 1 1/2 tsp
Small green chillies – 4, roughly chopped
Haldi/Turmeric powder – 1/4 tsp
For Sourness:
Raw tamarind juice or tamarind concentrate – 2 to 3 tbsp or according to taste (if tamarind is unavailable, you can even add lemon/lime juice to taste for sourness)
For the Baghaar(tadka)/Tempering:
Canola Oil – 2 tsp
Garlic Cloves – 2, large, each cut lenghwise into two
Cumin seeds – 2 tsp
Dried Red chilliies – 2, each broken into two
Fresh/Dried Curry Leaves – 8
Fresh Cilantro – 2 tbsp, finely chopped

  1.  Wash and soak the dal in surplus water for 2-3 hrs. Later, drain the dal and wash it in fresh changes    of water. Drain and add it to a pressure cooker along with 3 cups of fresh cool water, turmeric powder, chopped green chillies,chopped onion, chopped tomatos,curry leaves and pressure cook it  till the dal is very soft .Usually giving it 3-4 whistles.
  2.  Pour the contents of the pressure cooker into a blender container and add salt and red chilli powder blend it till pureed. (My Ammi used a Dal Ghotni to mash the dal) Or you can even simply puree it using an immersion blender.
  3.  Meanwhile in a small non stick frying pan at medium heat, pour oil and as soon as it gets warm, add the cumin seeds. As they begin to splutter, cover with a splatter screen and reduce heat to medium low, and throw in the remaining ingredients for baghaar/tempering and remove from heat.
  4. Pour the contents of the blender container back into the pressure cooker add the tamarind juice (or lemon/lime juice), the baghaar, and stir to mix. You can add more water if you want to achieve the consistency you desire. Some people like a thin consistency and some prefer a slightly thick consistency. Adjust salt and serve warm.

Hyderabadi cluster beans(gawar ki phalli)

Hello my readers,
  Cluster beans are one of my favourite hyderabadi dishes.I know there are many people who dont like cluster beans but if you know these 8 benefits of this humble vegetable you will not say no to it.

#1 Good for diabetics
Cluster beans contain glyconutrients that help in controlling blood sugar levels in the body. Not many people are aware of the fact that gavar is low in glycemic index and hence, do not cause rapid fluctuations in your blood sugar levels when consumed. Although this is one vegetable you should include in your diet if suffering from diabetes, here are few more ways to control diabetes naturally.

#2 Strengthens bone health
Gavar beans contain calcium, a mineral, which helps in strengthening the bones and thus, prevent bone loss. The presence of phosphorus in this vegetable aids in fortifying the bones and enhances your bone health. You may also like to read about 7 surprising foods for healthy bones.

#3 Great for heart health
Gavar exerts heart healthy effects by lowering the blood levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body. The presence of dietary fibre, potassium and folate in this vegetable prevents the heart from various cardiovascular complications. Did you know that foods can help bring down cholesterol?

#4 Helps manage blood pressure
The hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic properties of cluster beans make them the best natural aid for people suffering from hypertension. As diabetes and heart disease increase your risk of hypertension, the combined effect of these compounds plays a key role in controlling your blood pressure levels.

#5 Recommended during pregnancy
Iron and calcium present in cluster beans fills up the deficiencies of these minerals in the pregnant women. This vegetable is loaded with high levels of folic acid that prevent the fetus from numerous birth defects and also various pregnancy related health issues. Vitamin K contained in cluster beans is good for the bones and helps with better fetal development. Read about 10 diet dos and don’ts during pregnancy by expert dietician

#6 Improves blood circulation
The presence of iron in gavar increases hemoglobin production, which in turn helps in proper blood supply in the body. Apart from this, gavar contains phytochemicals that stimulate oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood resulting in better blood circulation.

#7 Acts as a digestive aid
Cluster beans work as a good laxative, stimulating bowel movement and improving your digestive system. They also help in flushing the unwanted toxins from the stomach and prevent digestion-related problems. Read more about how wrong food combinations can lead to indigestion and gas

#8 Calms the brain
Hypoglycemic properties of cluster beans help in soothing the nerves. They are also found to reduce anxiety and tension and calm the person mentally. Read more about foods that can boost your immunity.


   Cluster beans- 500 gm
   Meat- 200 gm
   Onion- 2
   Salt- 1tsp
   Garlic & ginger paste-1 tsp
   Turmeric powder- ¼ tsp
   Red chilli powder- ½ tsp
   Methi leaves- 1 cup
   Coriander- 2 bunches
   Oil- 100 gm

  1. Clean and wash the mutton pieces
  2. Add oil,garlic and ginger paste,chopped onions,turmeric powder,salt ,red chilli powder and a bunch of coriander leaves.
  3. Pressure cook it for 3/4 whistles without adding much water,unti the meat is tender.
  4. Now add the cluster beans and chopped potatos with a bunch of meethi leaves and again pressure cook it for about 3 whistles.
  5. After that keep it on low flame and stir until the water in it is evaporated.
  6. Your cluster beans are ready to eat.Serve them hot with either roti/khatti dal/bagara khana dalcha.

Thursday 19 November 2015

Hyderabadi kheema luqmi/lukhmi

Hello my readers,
Lukhmi is a Traditional and Authentic  Hyderabadi  snack. It is mostly served as a starter at typical weddings and parties. It can be called as a non veg samosa because the stuffing in it is of either meat or chicken. In its authentic preparation the stuffing includes the mutton minced kheema.

For Dough:
Dalda Ghee  – 250 gms 
Maida  – 1 kg
 Salt – 1 tsp
Milk – 1 Cup
Water – as needed

Filling / Kheema (Minced Meat):
Kheema – 500 gms
Ginger & Garlic Paste – 2 tsp
 Salt – 2 tsp
Red Chilli Powder – 2 tsp
 Coriander Powder – 2 tsp
Garam Masala Powder – 1 tsp
Finely chopped mint and coriander – 1 bunch each
Tomato finely chopped – 1 medium
Onion finely chopped – 1 medium
Lemon Juice – 1 lemon
Oil – 1tsp
Red Color – 1/4 tsp (optional – avoid if you can)

1. Mix dalda ghee and Maida properly for at least 20 minutes    (This is a major step, if this goes wrong your lukhmi wont        turn out good). Mix the dalda and maida thoroughly (rub it    with your palms).
2. Add salt and milk. Make a medium consistency dough             using water if required.
3. The dough shouldn’t be very soft neither should it be hard.
4. Cover this up and let the dough rise for 20 minutes.

1. Wash and drain your minced meat.
2. Marinade it in ginger and garlic paste, salt, red chilli                 powder and lemon juice for 2 hours – marination is very        important you can marinade this overnight as well since we    wont be using any oil to cook the kheema.
3. Take a heavy base or non stick vessel. Add the marinated         kheema, chopped onion and tomato, coriander and mint .
4. Do not add any oil.
5. The kheema will get cooked in the water it looses with               onions and the juice of tomato.
5. Cook till its done. You know the kheema is cooked when           the water dries up and it starts sticking to your vessel’s             base.
6. Just before turning off the heat add 1 tsp oil (NOT MORE!)     and the garam masala. Saute’ it for 2 -3 minutes and your       kheema is ready.
7. Scoop it out in a bowl and let it cool.

Rolling and Frying:
1. Roll the dough, cut out squares. Fill in the kheema and seal    it with another square by applying a little water over the          edges. Make sure you seal the corners properly, if the                corners are not properly sealed the lukhmi will open up             whilst deep frying.
2. Deep fry on medium heat till golden brown.
3. Serve it hot with mint chutney and onion.

Hyderabadi famous double ka meetha

hello my readers,
Double ka meetha is a recipe which has its roots in mughlai cuisine referred to as "shahi tukda" at that time.Double ka meetha is a dessert of hyderabad and is usually served at weddings and parties.Double ka meeta, is basically  a crisp bread soaked in saffron and cardamom flavored milk rabri. It is very easy to prepare with basic ingredients like bread,milk,cream and sugar.


1 uncut bread loaf
1 cup - khoya
1/2 cup - Sugar
1/2 litre - Milk
Dry fruits sliced ( kaju, kismis, badam, karboja seeds)
 Dalda for frying bread
3 tsp - Ghee for frying dry fruits
2 Cardamom
1/2 glass - water


  1. Cut bread into cubes and deep fry them in dalda or refined oil according to your choice.
  2. Drain on tissue paper and place on a tray-like vessel and keep aside.
  3. Take half a glass of water in a bowl, boil it, add sugar and keep stirring till it becomes thick.
  4. Add cardamom and once the syrup is done pour this sugar syrup over the bread mix delicately and keep aside.
  5. Heat a kadai, add ghee and all dry fruits to it and fry.
  6. Add fried dry fruits to fried bread along with ghee.
  7. Boil milk in a bowl on low heat, now mash the khoya and add it to the milk till the milk becomes thick.
  8. Once the milk turns into a thick mixture, add a pinch of saffron and mix well.
  9. Remove from heat and add the mixture directly to the bread and mix well.
  10. Let the mixture soak with bread for 30 min max.
  11. Once it is soaked well, serve it as a dessert.

Irani chai of hyderabad

hello my readers,
As i have preiviously posted a blog on osmania biscuits so i've thought this time why not an irani chai.Drinking an osmania Biscuit in a cup of Irani chai is the ultimate test of provenance for all who claim to be Hyderabadis.
Irani cafes were originally opened by persian immigrants to india in the 19th century. Hyderabad boasts the largest number of Irani cafes, which are very popular for Irani chai

Servings: 3
Makes 3 cups:
4 cups of Full Fat milk
4 tbsp khoya/mawa or milkmaid (Condensed Milk)
2 tbsp sugar if you want more sweet, add more sugar. If you are adding milkmaid instead of khoya or mawa, decrease sugar.
3-4 green cardamom powder (elaichi)
1 inch Ginger grated (optional)
2 tbsp of tea powder

Make a decoction of tea powder by adding 2 tbsp tea powder into 3 cups of boiling water.
Add cardamom powder, Ginger (if using) to the decoction.
Cover the vessel to prevent escaping steam.
Boil it for around 10-15 minutes.
It should reduce to half the quantity of the decoction.
On another burner, boil 4 cups of milk till it is reduced to 3 cups.
Add 4 tbsp of khoya / mawa / milkmaid and sugar to the reduced milk.
Boil it till khoya / milkmaid mixes with the milk completely and makes thick consistency.
Stir it frequently, add half cup of filtered decoction to the milk mixture.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Hyderbadi chicken khorma

Hello my readers,
Although hyderabad is known for many things from its history of enchanting pearls to its mouth watering multi cuisine .Many of its receipes are inherited from its past. Hyderabadis mostly prefer/love spicy food. A noble dish that once graced the banquet tables of the imperial Mughal court, rich with cream and nuts and heavily scented with expensive spice, has become a byword for bland, a “starter” curry, beloved of children and others with unadventurous tastes.
It is usually served with rice.I bet you that your gonna impress your loved ones with this receipe.

30 ounces chicken
1 cup yogurt
1⁄4 cup ginger paste
4 teaspoons garlic paste
1 cup sliced onion
1 teaspoon red chili powder
1⁄2 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 ounce desiccated coconut
5 tablespoons cashew nuts paste
4 tablespoons sesame seeds
1⁄3 teaspoon ground nutmeg
2⁄3 cup oil or 2⁄3 cup butter
10 green cardamom pods
2 black cardamom pods
10 whole cloves
2 inches cinnamon sticks
1 bay leaf
1⁄4 teaspoon mace
9 ounces potatoes
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1⁄3 cup chopped coriander leaves

  1. Clean the Chicken,Remove Skin and Cut into bite size Pieces.
  2.  Whisk Curd and Keep Aside.
  3.  Peel, Wash, Cut Potatoes into Quarters and Immerse in Water.
  4.  Make a marinade of Ginger Paste, Garlic Paste, Onions, Red Chillies, Turmeric Powder, Coconut, Cashewnut Paste, Seasame Seeds, Nutmeg and Salt with yougurt and leave the Chicken in this Marinade for 30 Minutes.
  5.  Heat Ghee in a Kadhai and then to it add Whole Garam Masala and sauté over Medium Heat until it begins to Crackle.
  6. Next add Chicken along with the Marinade and then bring to Boil and then Simmer for 5 Minutes.
  7. Add 1 2/3 Tcup of Water and boil for 5 Minutes.
  8. Add Drained Potatoes and Lemon Juice and Simmer until Chicken is Tender and the Potatoes get Cooked.
  9. Check the Seasoning and Adjust Accordingly.Add Coriander Leaves and Mix.